SUF - Syracuse University in Florence
SUF stands for Syracuse University in Florence
Here you will find, what does SUF stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Syracuse University in Florence? Syracuse University in Florence can be abbreviated as SUF What does SUF stand for? SUF stands for Syracuse University in Florence. What does Syracuse University in Florence mean?Syracuse University in Florence is an expansion of SUF
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Alternative definitions of SUF
- Service Update Facility
- Syndikalistiska UngdomsFörbundet Gävle
- Special Un- Funded
- Special Un- Funded
- Lamezia Terme airport
- Shands at the University of Florida
- Shape Up Fitness
View 23 other definitions of SUF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SGP Stadium Group PLC
- SSHRE SSH Real Estate
- SSI Sturgeon Services International
- SJML Silver Jubilee Motors Ltd.
- SHC The Student Housing Company
- SIL Scale Investors Ltd
- SEC Superior Environmental Corp
- SGI The Siam Gypsum Industry
- SSC Saskatchewan Science Centre
- SFS Shepherds Friendly Society
- SPMI Sankt-Peterburg Mining Institute
- SDD Southeast Directional Drilling
- SEHI Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc
- SGS Sutton Grammar School
- SGIL Site Group International Limited
- SPRSL SP Recycling Southeast LLC
- SGP St. George PLC
- SMC Saratoga Medical Center
- SPSD South Park School District
- SII Scot Industries Inc